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Tango at Rosener

We had the opportunity to be the very first establishment in the U.S to host the French therapeutic tango program, Caravan of Music. 

This program began as a study on motor function in those with Alzheimer’s Disease heralded by French researcher, France Mourey and her team of filmmakers, Anne Bramard Blagny and Julia Blagny. With their help we were able to keep the tango program as a permanent fixture as a Rosener House activity.

Workshop 1

Our first online tango workshop.

Workshop 2

Our second online tango workshop.

Workshop 3

Our third tango workshop.

Workshop 4

Our fourth tango workshop.

Workshop 5

Our fifth Tango workshop.

Workshop 6

The 6th Tango workshop from our friends over in France!

Workshop 7

The 7th of our tango workshops from France.

Workshop 8

The 8th Tango workshop!

Workshop 9

The 9th tango workshop in the series.